Navigating your Quarter life 

 We coach and empower people who are currently in their quarter life stage. Some call this a quarter-life crisis, we just call it quarter life. That's the thing about coaching during your quarter life, there nothing is wrong with you. We work with you to make great parts about you greater, not on fixing you - because you're not broken. If you have ever wondered what I am going to do with my life, how do I make a career change, or how can I create the life I want then we are for you. 

Vitae prepared me to take the for my next step in my career. It was amazing how through and helpful they were at helping me build my CV as I found it so hard to articulate all the great stuff I did in my last job. Their guidance and neurohacks really helped me articulate my skillset and confidently access all the options and ultimately transition industries. I now have a job I love. So safe to say, I love the great people at Vitae.
— STEPHEN, Melbourne
Sometimes it’s not about whether or not your capable, intelligent or experienced enough but that you just don’t know how to take the first step from where you are to where you want to be. My time with Shelley and Brenton gave me the support I needed to do all the little things that amounted to one big success. Landing the career I wanted.
— Liana, Sydney
Working on my love life with Shelley was transformational. She helped me see how I had unknowingly been blocking love and sabotaging my romantic relationships. She constantly reminded me that I deserved to be loved as I wanted to be, and that I was in control of that. She helped me take control of my thoughts and change my patterns. She doesn’t skip on the detail, every exercise and brain hack we used had a meaning and was impactful. Everything I wanted from a relationship and the person I wanted to be with is now who I am with. I followed her advice and it all came true.
— Bree, London



Find and creating the Career you want.

Description text. Pér áccusam corrumpit án, ex eos enim régione honestatis. Indoctum praesént liberavisse éos ex. Pri té salé etiam albucius, at debet dígnissim cúm. Cú qui eros neglegentur, ne utíñam probatus cónstituam eam. Et eos eius eránt íuvaret, sea in graeco prómpta.



Description text. Pér áccusam corrumpit án, ex eos enim régione honestatis. Indoctum praesént liberavisse éos ex. Pri té salé etiam albucius, at debet dígnissim cúm. Cú qui eros neglegentur, ne utíñam probatus cónstituam eam. Et eos eius eránt íuvaret, sea in graeco prómpta.


We coach and empower people who are currently in their quarter life stage. Some call this a quarter-life crisis, we just call it quarter life. That's the thing about coaching during your quarter life, there nothing is wrong with you. We work with you to make great parts about you greater, not on fixing you - because you're not broken. If you have ever wondered what I am going to do with my life, how do I make a career change, or how can I create the life I want then we are for you. 




How does this work?

Description text. Pér áccusam corrumpit án, ex eos enim régione honestatis. Indoctum praesént liberavisse éos ex. Pri té salé etiam albucius, at debet dígnissim cúm. Cú qui eros neglegentur, ne utíñam probatus cónstituam eam. Et eos eius eránt íuvaret, sea in graeco prómpta.




Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper.
— Claire C.


Want a bit more?

Great, if you're keen to know more, and see whether we're for you, we'd love to chat.

 You can start the conversation, by booking your free coaching session here.